Digital Signage Google Calendar App

Step 1: Make calendar available to public

  • On a computer, open Google Calendar.
  • At the top right, click on the Settings icon and then on Settings.
  • Click the name of the calendar you want to share.
  • Open Access permissions.
  • Check the box next to Make available to public.

Step 2: Copy your Google Calendar ID

  • Stay on the Settings page.
  • Open Integrate calendar.
  • On the right side of the screen, you can see the label “Calendar ID”.
  • Copy your Calendar ID

Source: Google Calendar Help

Step 3: Add Google Calendar to Digital Signage

  • Go to the Management Console.
  • Click on the playlist then the layer where you will add Google Calendar.
  • If the layer has no media, the apps dialog will open. Otherwise, click on Add New
  • Click on Google Apps.
  • Click on Google Calendar
  • Paste your Calendar ID.
  • Enter a title and subtitle, they will appear on digital signage calendar.
  • Choose the number of events to fetch.
  • Check Show today’s events only if needed
  • Choose the background color
  • Click Save.
  • You can preview your calendar design before clicking Publish.
  • The App will sync with Google Calendar every 60 mins.