8.1- Screens

Add a screen


  • Open the management console, and navigate to screens page
  • Install the player app on your device
  • If you have Google play store available in your device, click on Install from Google Play to install the player app
  • Otherwise, download and install the player app manually. For more information about installing the player app on your device, check Installation
  • After installation, a Hash ID should be shown on your display, this ID will be used to add your screen to your management console

Add Screen

  • Click on Add Screen
  • Enter the ID from your display. This Hash ID is case sensitive
  • Enter name and location of your screen.
  • Entering screen’s address will integrate with google maps screens map that is available in your dashboard
  • Click on Add Screen
  • Your screen will be added the list

Screens List

  • To change a screen’s name, Click on the name and type in the new name
  • To change the screen’s location, click on the location and change it

Media Source

  • To add content to your screen, click on Set Media Source

Set Media Source

  • If you already created playlists, click on the playlist your want to assign to your screen
  • or click on Set to new Playlist to create a new playlist and assign it to your screen
  • Type in a playlist name to filter the playlists

Note: If the screen is horizontal, only horizontal playlists will show, and if it’s vertical only vertical playlists will show.

  • In addition to playlists, screens can be assigned to groups or schedules
  • To assign to a group, click on Groups, then on the group name
  • To assign to a schedule, click on Schedules then on the schedule name

Screen Settings

  • Click on the Settings button of your screen

Settings Button

Screen Settings

Power Management

Check Power Management



  • Click on Screenshot from the settings drop down
  • Click on Take a new screenshot
  • Wait for the screenshot to load, it might take a few seconds
  • You can check the timestamp of the last screenshot taken

Rotate Screen


  • Click on Rotate Screen from the settings drop down

  • The screen can have one of the 4 orientations:

    • horizontal: the screen is at 0 degrees
    • vertical: rotate the screen 90 degrees
    • horizontal flipped: rotate the screen 180 degrees
    • vertical flipped: rotate the screen 270 degrees
  • Choose one and click Save

  • Your screen will rotate to the chosen orientation

Rotate Vertical

  • If you choose vertical, you can see that the Type has changed to vertical
  • The media source is cleared, since the vertical playlists are different from the horizontal ones, choose a new one by clicking on Set Media Source



  • Click on Tags
  • Choose Tags for the screen
  • Click Save


Screen Details

Screen Details

  • Click on Screen’s Details
  • View the hardware and software details


Requires a Rooted screen

  • Click on Restart to make your screen reboot


  • Click on Delete to remove your screen from the management console
  • The screen should show the Hash ID and can be added to other accounts
  • All the data and media files will be removed from the screen

Filter and Search Screens

Filter and Search

  • Type in a screen name to search for it in the list
  • Click on Filter Screens to filter by:
    • Status: All, Online, Offline
    • Type: Vertical, Horizontal